If u seeing same things twice, what u may feel?
- i feel jerk..and say,"why me? why now? wtf!"..better just killed me!
If u making fuss on same matter, how people might think?
- people will say,"u so busybody, u cant just don't bothered others, let ourselves settled it? put it upon God's hand since we cant defeat the destiny nor only God is the power of Decider? Come on, its none of ur business!"
If u trying to help, but others really didn't want ur help, what u may do?
- nothing much for they don't want to survive, I may just be helping hand pushing them to hell if I cont to help.
If u encounter some difficult situation, what u will do? delete or proceed?
- maybe deleting the condition outta from my head better than keeping it stuck inside head that make more suffers. Proceed when I controlled the game. But, no wise making fuss when people jerk me and hate me.
If u given choice,would u want facing those again and again?
- No and Yes. No for I hated it very much for the first time I met it and I don't feeling well when it happens again. Yes for I care it much and allowed me to try make decisions.
**no one is involved in the Q&A above for its only happen in my mind as thinking too much making the process of thinking stuck in the time the matter arise.
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