Thursday, January 14, 2010

cold cold nite

14th Jan 2010

Wish all happy new year! hope not too late.. still at the month of January. Well so long din blogging coz change habit to watch dvd.. haha.. although nt so interesting,bt thinking of typing and thinkg what to do really bored. As its a cold nite, i rather sat stil from the laptop and din move much as outside also pretty cold. Covered wth blanket and drink hot drinks is preferable. so nice if gt couch front of the fireplace like what Europe ppl always have during cold time / winter season. or like Japanese have hot place to get self-warmed.

Well what to hope for at M'sia rite? now is raining season.. everyday is cold.. already two days continuously Kch having heavy rain. my plc here so badly rain pour make my life miserable. eating instant mi all day long really make me jerk! pissed off! but thats the fastest food i can get than walking out in rain to get rice.well hope tmrw can hav bored having mi all time.

my resolution this year sound hard to achieved with my condition nw.. always din start asgnment early..what to do? cant,ma... last min plan always in list..

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