Wednesday, December 30, 2009

i hate myself!!!

30th Dec 2009

this moment, i hate myself for being so busybody.. why so care about others business? cant just ignore who with who, what they done, where they've been and how they hooked up tghr?! I cant! coz thru bzbody i knw the truth, the reality, the exact answer im searching to. This just coz they will not telling u directly and not admit it till end except being revealed. But who gonna tell me that? No one! I have to figure myself. thats why I ought to be busybody keeping ppl business in my to-do list. I always trying prevent myself to do so..but things not going so smoothly.

all i know just doing little things behind to find out what exactly happen.i don want to but hw they gonna open their mouth telling me? nope..they never.

1 comment:

If life had granted a job no matter what said...

u do a great job! its better if u can tells others about the secret.let everyone to be busybody like u and no one will hiding anymore!