This post shall be posted last two days as reflected on what am gonna share for the title above. But that day, too tired to put in typing but so strange..the issue still strolling around my mind. So, its important to share.
If you live a life as a doctor, what would u feel? happy coz' can treat patients? happy coz' patients recover? happy coz' successfully doing the operations? what if bad things happen.. let say, the sick person is your family members and you are required to do operations to them.. how would you be? at the stake as doctor?
I watched "Grey Anatomy Season 8 / 9" last Saturday on TV and intense part is many cases happen in the same time in that 1 hour episode. Doctors also work outstation especially the attendant (not a doctor yet) to assist out-patients from other clinic. Worse to worst is when the other clinic don't have the medical facilities. Have to be depended on what the attendant have to save life.
Case 1: Attendant and Child Surgeon
Treat the weak just born baby. Put the baby under incubator before flown to own clinic for further treatment. Heavy rain delayed the schedule. Ambulance broke down in the middle of the road and it is night time. Driver asked them to stand outside as ambulance consists of lots oxygen If one car ramp the ambulance& man explosion may occur. Means, asking the doctors leaving the baby as intact to the oxygen. What would do? The attendant is a woman, adopted a child. Of coz' she not willing and likely would protect the baby no matter what.
Case 2: A doctor handling operations in ER, her husband got an operation also that day
If this happen, who should be treated first? The patient or the husband? She is the specialist for the sickness and have the capability to do the operations. But as the doctor already doing the operations procedure, it takes time. Make the husband could not seeing the wife before entering the OR. The doctor trusted "anak murid" will doing the operation for her husband but choose to secretly backing the identity as she believe "if she don know the patient, she will perform better". Thus, the hospital principal helping to keep the secret and let the "assistant" doing the operations. But the husband died because over bleeding (no blood left). As procedure, the assistant should inform the family members of the death confirmed. Till then, she be informed about the identity. So bad...
So, to tell the sifu? It is hard decision as she in the battle of saving another life. If you tell, she may will rush out leaving the OR, another life be gone. But if you don't, you already break the rules as doctor. But its true as what they said," you better dont tell her as no matter what she still will angry with us as her husband is dead under our knife. She will blame us in the end. Delay 1 hour to inform no much difference". Indeed.
What a life of a doctor.. you just stood in middle..if the patient is your loved ones.
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