Saturday, December 3, 2011

sh*t on you..

push..pusher.. hated it very much. especially when ppl think u shall able doing it. u think am expertise on this? pissed off. im not yr dream child, don treat me as i am know everything hw to do. i knw runs out of time but u shall give lease time to rest,though u may feel ok wth it. but am not u~ not as u though as strong. i will die if u keep so pushy. i may accidentally uttered bullshit to yr face. am controlling it this moment bcz u are sm1 "powerful" than every1. but i may hit u with bullshit words if am at yr bac. u may know it but this is truth. hw u treat ppl,ppl will treat u back. so don blame if one day i really say so. u may regret for treating me such at first.

am stupid not as u may wished for, so pls don wish i can change to be person u want, u wish. ur wish may not come true. im not yr bull to carry on their nose. only i don have the chance now so u can treat me this way. i hate you for being pushy. to me or to others which don wan to be yr boneka. if we don follow,u will angry. u will small hearted. so how? u think we are yr play-er? shit!!!! i hate my current life. pls take me out b4 i turn crazy.

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