Monday, November 14, 2011

credit to mom

i know i always troubled mum to send me to office although she have lots school works to finish in the morning, the only time she had b4 class session starts. she always v tired at nite. i know its my fault. bt i want to escape from car pool erly morning wth him. he will say many words in car. not good words, but stern warning, demand task b complete. i don wan listen to such before real office time. which cn mk my rest of the day worse,no mood. i hate it.

i knw distance is far, smtm trapped in jams,she will mumbling when smtm i need go to banks/othr plcs b4 work.. but still mum will sent me thr. credit,right?

i shld b able drive my own to work. but im not expert yt. so always been scold by him,"got license x knw hw to drive. want move arnd pun ssh."..simply means im troublesome. i know the fact, but not rejecting the facts.. but wat u want me to do? huh..

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