Monday, June 30, 2008

why its so hard to answer?

30th June

Answers me! That's ppl demanding from me. They want to know the ans from my mouth.

What u want me ans exactly? if I don know the ans, should I tell the lie? I won't do so to satisfy u,okay? Ya.. this happen. A so-so called fren ask my confirmation about someone. I'll tell u. I really don care much about this person. But her ques reallt heart-striking. Mostly asking something that really unrelated with me. Im just the third person that may know the ans.

I don wish to know,really. but, after she knew the person, i think she will keep telling me about the coincidence she had with them. Pls,I don want to know. I don care what they do mostly and what happen to them. I hate them,really.

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