Monday, June 30, 2008

why its so hard to answer?

30th June

Answers me! That's ppl demanding from me. They want to know the ans from my mouth.

What u want me ans exactly? if I don know the ans, should I tell the lie? I won't do so to satisfy u,okay? Ya.. this happen. A so-so called fren ask my confirmation about someone. I'll tell u. I really don care much about this person. But her ques reallt heart-striking. Mostly asking something that really unrelated with me. Im just the third person that may know the ans.

I don wish to know,really. but, after she knew the person, i think she will keep telling me about the coincidence she had with them. Pls,I don want to know. I don care what they do mostly and what happen to them. I hate them,really.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

last week left..

26th June

next week is the last week for my training.. A little sort of happy and sad.
Happy coz finally the day is over. I can reunion with family again and start the new leaf with
friends.. Sad 'cause I had to leave the place with the memory left far behind. And sad cause IM NOT GOING TO HAVE TIME TO ENJOY the days of free anymore. Bulks of assignment(will follow up when its time,not rite after start the SEM). But, sad coz my pointer drops and hard to increase it anymore as this 2008/09 is going to be my last year studying.

Proceed study? where come the money? No.. everyone having empty purse. Neither do I afford to pay simple things like school fee this SEM. Aiyo... what gonna be? Why money cannot always flow like the river and slip into my pocket? haha.. That's why rich people always love their money. haha.. and don like share it with others.

with rm9 can survive for 1 week? i think so as I no nid to spend much. only cannot buy what you want. But, can spend on what u need. eg: foods. hehe... Money,oh MONEY. . Pls come to my life very soon. but din work, where come the money???

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

about a month already

4 June 2008

i din update my blog and sorry for that. well, for info, im having my internship of practical training at somewhere bintulu called BINTULU PORT SDN.BHD. i cant tell much about it. but, if those interested can surf the net to find it. btw, i've been here a month ago starting 5th May. till 4th July. that's means got 1 month to go. After this training done, shall come out with a report. im still blur on what to write about. then, will start another new semester and i gotta to conduct a motivational camp for my course junior by 10th-13th July.

busy week at the beginning month of July. hope my aim can succeed before the end of 2008.