Tuesday, April 1, 2008

my current update

1st April
today is April Fool's Day. but im not fooling you guys. this really my latest update after almost 1 month din blog in. as i did mention last time, i got another account. so, i din have time to update both in time. considering that someone may like to view my update, so i post a new one today.

last february, i talk about my application for industrail training. now i got it. and its the newest application that i made after the long wait of no answer of my preferable company. anyway, its the best company beside that one. im grateful either as got a friend thta intro me in, actually. so, both of us will go to that company by 5th May to start the training which last for 9weeks.

another is about winning as February Blogegr's of The Month for mtvasiablog. sounds never easy to win until i obtain that post. its nice to be alert. so, i'll keep updating my blog... thanks those voting me! lastly, recently many things happen. 'they' din stop making messy and trouble. i feel suffocated. breathing difficulty,i can say. 'They' doin it by their own and taking all the power to judge and direct people. Got a guy that used his "sweet talk" to sweeten some girls and make them melt to take everything that he said is true and believable. don you feel it's ridiculous? they have thinking but they prefer being cheated. im not that stupid. so, im at rejecting sied. i know some people might not liking me. but, that's truth that i know and i wont let "YOU" do the same to me. NEVER,MAN! YOU WON'T SUCCEED.

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