Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Present for fren


like the title says.. choosing presents for frens... for birthday.. anything good and realistic to give out?? I've no idea this time..

her b'day tis coming Monday.. why so early thinking of it?? well, coz.. we're staying at the hostel.. where got time to go out and buy presents?? Is it?? Yea... So... im the selected person coz did down to town almost every weekend. (no need to be sorry with me). hahah....

the deal has made.. the present is.... sigh... secret lar.. if i told now, no more surprise.. hehe...

It's proven!

15th Oct

don't get me wrong.. its really proven that it's one month activity to update the blog..
nothing wrong to say.. hahah..

oaky, start from my presentation... its worst and good. Worst coz im the first person for the morning session. and good thing became the 1st one either.. Tell u good experience it is.. Yeah.. i bet no one could be that lucky as me.

i been evaluated by lecturer, but others after me being questioned by the dean. how powerful he is and the words that come out from his mind. Imagine when u being asked by the prime minister in front lots of the senate.. so horrible,i think. So, bravo to them. can be so stable answering the ques. if im at their stage, i think i will cry.. 'coz like being beat and scold for doin wrong thing.

So,mix everything up... time to do correction based upon the comments given. My supervisor are on leave and only be available by 24th. So, it's time to do it and ready for him to mark the draft before final hands up by 27th to be grading room. SO BAD WHEN THINKING OF IT..

I feel my works not that powerful and less value-added. That's make the research not so good to have A. but,pls lar... make me at least above the pass level. but, the theses... u know, not easy stuff. Read.. read.. and read more more journal research are needed. and fall unto lazy gal like me.. Well, sorry to say.. any grade receive shld be thankful, i guess.